District 12 Open Meeting, Saturday, February 1, 6:30pm
District 12 Open Meeting, Saturday, February 1, 6:30pm
AA Open Meeting with Al-Anon Participation Al-Anon Speaker: Sue B Jackson WI AA Speaker: Tim D West Bend WI Download flyer here
AA Open Meeting with Al-Anon Participation Al-Anon Speaker: Sue B Jackson WI AA Speaker: Tim D West Bend WI Download flyer here
The AMIAS quarterly meeting is open to anyone in Area 61 Al-Anon, but primarily centers around those people that are certified AMIAS (Al-Anon Member Involved in Alateen Service). The agenda is based on current questions/issues that the AMIAS identify to learn from other AMIAS experience, strength, and hope. See attached for details. Questions? Contact Alateen Coordinator: […]
AA Open Meeting with Al-Anon Participation Al-Anon Speaker: Jan C Mayville WI AA Speaker: Paul B Green Lake WI Event Details: 4 pm social hour, 5 pm potluck, 6 speakers Additional Information: NONSMOKING CAMPUS!!